The journey of a cigar from seed to retail sale is intricate, involving numerous steps and skilled labor at each stage. Here’s an estimated breakdown of how many hands touch a cigar during its production:
- Seed Selection and Planting
- Hands involved: 2-3
- Tasks: Selecting seeds, planting seeds, and maintaining nursery.
- Transplanting Seedlings to Fields
- Hands involved: 3-5
- Tasks: Preparing fields, transplanting seedlings, and initial care.
- Growing and Tending the Plants
- Harvesting
- Hands involved: 5-10
- Tasks: Picking leaves at different stages, categorizing leaves, and initial drying.
- Curing
- Hands involved: 3-5
- Tasks: Hanging leaves in curing barns, monitoring humidity and temperature.
- Fermentation
- Hands involved: 3-5
- Tasks: Stacking leaves for fermentation, turning piles, and quality control.
- Sorting and Stripping
- Hands involved: 5-10
- Tasks: Sorting leaves by quality, stripping veins, and preparing for aging.
- Aging
- Hands involved: 2-3
- Tasks: Monitoring aging conditions, moving leaves as necessary.
- Blending
- Hands involved: 2-3
- Tasks: Selecting and blending leaves for consistency and flavor.
- Rolling
- Aging the Rolled Cigars
- Hands involved: 2-3
- Tasks: Monitoring the aging process of rolled cigars.
- Banding and Packaging
- Hands involved: 3-5
- Tasks: Applying bands, boxing cigars, and preparing for shipping.
- Distribution and Retail
- Hands involved: 3-5
- Tasks: Shipping, handling at warehouses, and retail preparation.
Adding up these estimates:
- Seed Selection and Planting: 2-3 hands
- Transplanting Seedlings: 3-5 hands
- Growing and Tending: 5-10 hands
- Harvesting: 5-10 hands
- Curing: 3-5 hands
- Fermentation: 3-5 hands
- Sorting and Stripping: 5-10 hands
- Aging: 2-3 hands
- Blending: 2-3 hands
- Rolling: 5-10 hands
- Aging Rolled Cigars: 2-3 hands
- Banding and Packaging: 3-5 hands
- Distribution and Retail: 3-5 hands
Total: 43 to 77 hands
Thus, an estimated 43 to 77 pairs of hands touch a cigar from seed to retail sale, illustrating the labor-intensive nature of cigar production.