In this segment of tasting a cigar, we are discussing the different Food Flavors that can be detected in your smoking experience.
Caramel – Sometimes found in Cameroon Wrapped Cigars.
Chocolate – Usually detected in the finish of a cigar and often found in Connecticut Broadleaf Wrapped Cigars.
Coffee – If found, it is usually in the sweet spot or finish of the cigar.
Cream – This term is used to describe the smoothness of a cigar’s taste. Most often the cigars are mild and wrapped in Connecticut Shade.
Honey -This flavor is usually picked up in heavily aged cigars.
Meaty – When a cigar reminds you of the taste of a grilled meat. Maduros can have this flavor.
Char – Is a description used when the meaty cigar has a smoky element to it.
Mocha – Used as a description when both chocolate and coffee flavors are present.
Sweet – There are sweet tipped cigars, a favorite to many, then there are naturally sweet cigars. Maduros are sometimes described as having a sweet flavor.
For a full selection of quality hand rolled cigars, visit Bobalu’s website.