Bobalu has been making flavored cigars for over 15 years, way before most others making flavored cigars were even around. All Bobalu flavored cigars are made with only the finest tobaccos from the Dominican Republic, sugar tipped for that sweet taste and flavored with our own exclusive flavoring process. Our Flavored cigars are not subtly flavored like most others, if you want sweet over the top flavored cigars these cigars are for you. Bobalu offer 12 flavors, Vanilla, Chocolate, Hazelnut, Cinnamon, Whiskey, Rum, Grand Marnier, Kahlua, Ameretto, Cognac, Cherry, Sugar Tip and 3 sizes Corona (large) Petite (small) & Cigarillos (mini). Buy Flavored Cigars Here
Bobalu Cigar Co.
509 E. 6th St.
Austin, Texas 78701
toll free 1-888-33-CIGAR