What Makes These Cigar Rollers So Good?
Bobalu Cigar Company presents Cigar Rollers School. This intensive seven (7) day course is geared toward the cigar industry and those wanting to bring back cigar rolling skills to their own shop. Classes are on a one to one basis and instruction will be provided by highly experienced cigar rollers. We will teach you both the Cuban as well as the Dominican style of cigar making. This course will teach you every aspect of the cigar rolling process from selecting and blending the leaf to box presentation after completion of the final wrapper phase. You will roll cigar in our heavily trafficked window on Austin’s famous 6th Street as your final test before you “graduate”.
This is a “can’t miss” investment and an absolute must for the serious cigar entrepreneur or store owner. The payoff is increased traffic, customer appeal, and higher margins. Set yourself apart from the competition. We have already taken the risk and proven that it is worth its weight in gold. Now is your chance to cash in and turbo charge your business.
Cigar Molds, cutting boards, chavetas (cigar cutting “knife”), glue, cigar presses, and all other related equipment available at market price. Filler, binder, and wrapper leaf, along with factory rolled cigars using the same blends of tobacco, are also available.
For more information on Cigar rollers school contact Jeff Lipton
Toll free 1-888-33-CIGAR or Email jeff@livecigarrollers.com.