Bad Breath Remedies For Cigar Smokers
Sometimes, after smoking a Great Bobalu Cigar, you may need to freshen your breath for a business meeting or to be near a loved one. If you have ever struggled with getting rid of the aftertaste of a cigar, consider these remedies:
1) Drink some plain strong tea with or after your cigars.
2) Eat something after smoking a cigar.
3) Eat citrus produce and chew on the rind or peel.
4) Use mouth wash or spray specifically made for smokers. These include: Targon, Smart Mouth and Cigar Clear.
5) If you like the taste of licorice, put 10 to 15 Fennel Seeds in your mouth and suck on them for a couple of minutes.
And then there is this piece of advice…
6) Get married and don’t give a sh*t.
Give these tips a try next time you enjoy a Bobalu Cigar.