be courteous

How To Be Courteous When Smoking A Cigar

Have you ever wondered about the proper etiquette of smoking a cigar? Just in case you’re interested, we found some interesting points, from Stogie Fresh, to consider when smoking around others…

1. Unless you are in a smoke shop, ask those around you if they will mind your cigar smoke. You will want to be considerate of others who may have respiratory issues.

2. Always have enough to share. It’s great to carry a spare cigar should the occasion of meeting a fellow cigar smoker arise.

3. Never light another person’s cigar unless they specifically request it. Even though it is a polite gesture, it is best if a person lights their own cigar so they can draw on it comfortably.

4. A Cigar should always be held between your thumb and your index finger. Never hold a cigar like a cigarette.

5. Never chew your cigar. It is unsightly and annoying to be around.

6. Don’t crush or stub out your cigar when finished smoking it. The act of crushing it can release foul odors and it is unnecessary. Simply let the cigar go out on its own and discard of the stub.

Well, there you have it, six tips for being a courteous cigar smoker. Do you have any rules or guidelines that you like to follow? What do you think of these tips?

Feel free to let us know what you think. Bobalu Cigar Co. loves its customers and is always happy to get feedback! Visit our site to learn more about us!

 Credit Stogie Fresh:

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Play cigar match game and win free cigars

Bobalu Cigar Company is excited to announce a new online game that offers a chance to win a FREE Texas Select cigar.

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