As cigar aficionados know, cigars come in a variety of shapes and sizes, each with its own unique characteristics. At Bobalu Cigar Company, we offer a wide range of shapes to choose from, including some of the most popular and well-known ones. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at some of these shapes, their history, and what makes them special.
Figurado The figurado shape is one of the most distinctive and recognizable cigar shapes, characterized by its tapered, pointed end. It is said to have originated in Cuba in the 19th century and was intended to provide a more efficient way to light and smoke the cigar. Figurados come in a variety of sizes and ring gauges, with the most common being the Belicoso, which is 5 1/2 inches long with a 52 ring gauge.
Pyramide Similar to the figurado, the pyramide has a tapered end but with a flatter head that widens towards the foot. This shape was introduced by the famous Cuban cigar manufacturer, H. Upmann, in the mid-20th century. The pyramide shape provides a unique smoking experience, with varying levels of flavor and strength throughout the cigar. A typical size for a pyramide is 6 1/4 inches long with a 52 ring gauge.
Culebra The culebra is a unique cigar shape consisting of three cigars braided together, resembling a snake. This shape originated in Cuba in the 19th century and was a favorite of cigar factory workers who would each take one of the braided cigars. The culebra is often sold as a novelty item, but its unique shape also affects the flavor and smoking experience. A typical size for a culebra is 5 inches long with a 39 ring gauge.
Perfecto The perfecto is a classic cigar shape that is tapered at both ends and has a bulge in the middle. This shape was popularized in the early 20th century and was favored by many cigar manufacturers. The perfecto shape provides a balanced smoking experience, with a gradual change in flavor and strength throughout the cigar. A typical size for a perfecto is 6 inches long with a 54 ring gauge.
Torpedo The torpedo is a popular cigar shape that is pointed at one end and gradually widens towards the foot. This shape was first introduced in Cuba in the early 20th century and quickly became popular due to its elegant and sophisticated appearance. The torpedo shape provides a unique smoking experience, with a more intense flavor and strength towards the pointed end. A typical size for a torpedo is 6 inches long with a 52 ring gauge.
At Bobalu Cigar Company, we offer these shapes and more, each with its own unique qualities and characteristics. Whether you’re a seasoned cigar smoker or just starting out, we invite you to visit our website and explore our selection of fine cigars. From the rich, complex flavors of our figurados to the smooth and elegant profile of our torpedos, there’s something for every taste and preference. So why not treat yourself to a premium cigar today? Visit https://bobalu.com/ and experience the best that the world of cigars has to offer.
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